When to Apply for Jobs: best & worst times

April 17, 2018

As a member of the U.S. Military, there is a PCS pattern that occurs around the May to August timeframe. In some cases, you could be transitioning out of the Army during these peak times.

Starting your career exploration before your last day in the Army is vital to landing a job at the right time. Depending on the industry you choose to enter, certain times of year might not be the best hiring season for a company. As you review these dates, start planning ahead - it's never too early to apply for a job.

Best times to Job Hunt:

Worst times to Job Hunt:

Job hiring and workplace trends are ever-changing in the civilian market. A Performance Evaluation is not taken with you to each job as in the Army, but you can use that information with your GuideOn resume, in your cover letters, and as fuel in your interviews to quantify your abilities and responsibilities. Network and stay up-to-date on the latest trends when possible, this will give you peace of mind if you are waiting to hear back from recruiters and managers.


