Tips To Overcome Culture Shock After the Army

March 27, 2018

 cul�ture shock (noun): the feeling of disorientation  experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way  of life, or set of attitudes.

 The most common hurdles in military transitions are frequently discussed:  employment, VA benefits, paperwork, medical out processing, etc. But what  other elements of this transition experience exist that aren't being as  openly discussed?

 We often tend to keep "culture shock" in strict reference to  locational or geographical changes. A deployment to the Middle East warrants  culture shock. A duty assignment in Korea warrants culture shock. A  redeployment from Iraq back to Fort Bragg after 15 months is an acceptable  reason for culture shock. (Even a PCS from Fort Drum to Fort Polk can be  deemed worthy of culture shock. If you've been to Fort Polk, you'll  get it.)

 But what happens when the "shock" isn't so widely accepted or  understood? It quickly changes from a clich� term thrown around in vague  description to something deeply personal and conflicting.

 If you ask a transitioned soldier what the hardest part of assimilating into a  civilian job was, it's going to be navigating through the unfamiliar  culture, daily routines, interactions, attitudes, language, jargon,  terminologies, and values of a civilian company. It's not a simple job  transfer. It's not as easy as "took a new job today." It's a  deep mental shift from one way of life to another and the more we continue to  acknowledge, accept, and discuss this phase of transition, the better off our  soldiers, families, and services will be.

 A recent independent  study  on veterans in the workplace from the Burton Blatt Institute and Competitive  Edge Services reports that "transition experiences can be complicated by  a number of factors: physical and psychological service-related injuries  (including PTSD), the lack of an easy way to communicate one's experience  and skills, and the lack of a written rule book on the prevailing unspoken  corporate rules. Some reported being misunderstood by co-workers due to  differences in one's manner, expectations, and speech. Others were  frustrated by the lack of a clear chain of command and a clear path for  advancement. Others described missing the sense of mission and urgency within  the military that resulted from knowing that the lives of others might depend  on the speed and quality of one's own work. Some also spoke of missing the  camaraderie and bonds fostered by working and living in close quarters and  depending on each other in critical, life and death situations. And others  described how losing such bonds can create feelings of painful  loneliness."

In short, culture shock.

 So how do you assimilate? How do you ease the stress of the cultural  transition? In an ideal world, observation, research, and time to adapt would  be key. But in a fast-moving market, on the job training and job performance  are expected immediately leaving little time to ease into the culture of your  new career. So as you prepare, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

 Knowledge is power. Ask questions. Be bold and clear in your  intentions. At any point in the employment seeking process the following set  of questions are appropriate to ask:

 "Could you explain the chain of command within your company's  structure?"

"How would you describe the daily pace of work here?"

 "What are the defining elements of the team culture in this  company?"

 This short clip will provide you great additional material for conversations  with potential employers:  Top Ten Interview Questions to Ask an Employer

 Stay involved. Staying connected to a community the  understands where you've been, what you've done, where you struggle,  where you thrive, and where you are going is life-preserving. Even if you  relocate and are far removed from a military installation or active military  community, still seek out ways to remain connected. Veteran organizations that  offer local chapters like Team RWB or  Team Rubicon that offer events,  get-togethers, and physical training outlets are incredible morale boosters,  networking, and de-stressor opportunities. Engaging in LinkedIn or Facebook  communities geared towards veteran networking and support also provides  real-time, interactive platforms to stay engaged.  Don't shut yourself out. Don't suffer in silence. A community exists to support you, just have to seek out and reach out.

 Focus on the commonalities. While the finer threads  connecting military roles to civilian jobs may not always be strong, the  encompassing strategy is the same. There is a job to be done, a team put  together the get the job done, and specific parameters and expectations in  which the job is to be done. Channel the energy and strong skill set you  possess towards positive momentum in your new career.

 Set realistic timeframes for adjustments. Two days on the job  won't leave you fully adjusted. The first 4-6 weeks in a new job are often  training and information overload. Expect this and plan for it. If anything,  veterans are apt to adapt and envelope loads of information under stressful  situations, just remember those skills still exist it's only the stream  and source of information that has changed.

 A smooth transition out of the military can be difficult, so here are some  helpful tips to set yourself up for success in your new endeavors!