TransUnion is Looking for Talent by MOS/AOC Code

November 1, 2018

When we first sat down with TransUnion, they explained three things upfront:

  1. They want to hire Veterans because they contribute to the bottom line; In other words, they value our talent
  2. They require experienced talent; Something we all have - Officers, NCOs, Junior Officers, and Junior Enlisted
  3. They also know what they're looking for

Let's look at point 3 - Here is what TransUnion is currently searching for in MOS/AOC speak:


Air Force



If you fall in one of these MOS or AOC categories and are interested in a potential career with TransUnion, click the button below to get started. If you don't, I recommend registering anyways! Purepost has partnered with TransUnion to hire Veterans and it just takes 10 mins to create a profile that TransUnion will see immediately.

Thanks for your time!

Anthony Garcia, CEO