Soldier to Civilian: networking as a veteran

April 29, 2019

When I left the military in 2007, my next move was business school. As a fresh veteran, I knew little about the private sector, let alone business. What I learned one short week after arriving was that networking is everything.

Networking can be unusual and unnatural for soldiers. We do little of it in our military careers. For the most part, our OER and NCOERs (military performance appraisals) speak for our professionalism and experience. The Army and sister branches rely on this system, in my opinion, for these three reasons:

This system is designed to practically eliminate the need to network the way our counterparts do in the private sector. So where does that leave veterans as they transition into the civilian workforce?

My first week of business school was a networking nightmare. Everyone was doing their best to leave strong first impressions while discovering what each other's past careers were and where future careers were headed. This felt hokey to me and I was reluctant to participate. After a few weeks I made some friends who asked, "why aren't you attending networking events?" I explained my reasons and they explained why I was making a mistake.

Here's why networking is everything

I graduated from Cornell in 2009. Since then I have had three jobs. I worked at a New York start-up straight out of school doing business development. After this experience, I moved to San Francisco and landed a job doing operations management with SRI. Finally, in early 2011, I left to begin my first of three businesses for military service members. My third and the one I'm most proud of is Purepost.

Over the past 9 years, what got me work and allowed me to start funding my company was meeting with hundreds of people over coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, running groups, biking groups, dinner parties… you get the idea. It's all about networking.

In the private sector, every professional is looking for the next opportunity, even if they say they aren't. I was in the Army for eight years and never networked to get a job. My father was a Cold War soldier for 21 years and never networked to get a job. It's because you're always, technically, in the same organization.

In the private sector people don't share their performance appraisals when interviewing for a new job with a new company. What they share is a resume and, nowadays, their LinkedIn profile.

I'm not going to tell you how to get over the hokey feeling of networking. You are a veteran or a Soldier, Airman, Marine, or Sailor. You've been in tougher situations. What I can provide are some tips to help with the networking process to ease your transition as a veteran entering the private sector:

Anthony Garcia

Purepost, CEO and Co-Founder